It was a wonderful experience to share this with my mom. The trails are where I have spent the majority of my life for the past 10 months and it was nice to be able to show this place to my best friend. A lot of the time when I am out on the trail, I am reflecting on life... wondering what is right, what is wrong, what is great, what could be better... yet, when I was able to be on the trail with my mom, all I could think about is how wonderful it was that she was here, sharing this experience with me. On this particular day, my mom did 4 miles on Wildwood trail! Great job mom! After she conquered Wildwood for the second time in two days, we headed out to Rose's is in Portland for some brunch.
My mom was here for the 4th of July.
We made the decision to stick around the apartment and light off fireworks. It was fun and hilarious! There was a ridiculous spread of scumptious food and we barbequed all afternoon. On my birthday we went over to Cannon Beach. Mom took some great pictures by the haystack. 
I was awfully sad to see my mom go. It reminded me I really need to see family and friends more than just every 7-8 months. Even though I miss her and think of her often... we had so many wonderful memories that I can now reflect upon while being on my beloved trails.

I was awfully sad to see my mom go. It reminded me I really need to see family and friends more than just every 7-8 months. Even though I miss her and think of her often... we had so many wonderful memories that I can now reflect upon while being on my beloved trails.

Spend some time with the ones you love... put your blackberry away, shut off the computer... and the tv. Go for a walk or enjoy nature together... you'll be amazed at what you might find out about eachother and you'll always be grateful to have those memories together.

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