Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Thank You

I wanted to say thank you to all my clients. It was extremely tough leaving you guys. I have showed you the way to a healthy lifestyle now it is up to you to continue. I hope I have made a difference in your lives. Remember I am still here to answer any questions, provide support, and new workouts.
I am here in Logan Utah hangin out in the mountains and taking trips into town. What a beautiful place. I was looking at my Rand McNally road atlas of the entire United States and on the back the editors voted their favorite scenic loop. Guess where it goes? Yep right through Logan, Utah. I would post pics, but I'm using my phone which doesn't have a camera?! Might as well be a string and a can.
It hasn't quite sunk in the amount of pain I'm about to endure in only a couple days now. I went and checked out the start of the course and straight up the mtn it goes. It starts at 5000 feet! Which is higher than anywhere I was runnin in Oregon, with mt hood as the exception. The first couple of runs I felt like a fat a$$ because I have been tapering, driving, and at sea level. Today was the last run and I felt much better besides my tight peroneal calf muscles. I figure the beauty of the foliage can pull me through the first 60 miles then I will have Chris Drew.
The best news is my first day in the mountains I was followed by a dirty puppy with a broken piece of twine around her neck. After looking around for the possible negligent owner for an hour I decided to make her my new bitch. I took her to Petsmart got her all the essentials. She was very skinny and dehydrated, but after a little love she is happy as a clam. Petsmart girls said she is about 5 months old and is a Australian Shepard mix. I think the heavens or hillbillys sent her to get rid of the sting of loneliness. She is a blessing and I believe it was meant to happen.
Either today or tomorrow I want all clients to do this workout and think of me. When you are done post on the comment of the section of this blog that you have completed it and what it was like. We will call it Leg Blast.
75 Squats
75 Lunges
75 Burpees
75 Jump Squats
Piece of cake
Not eat a piece of cake!


  1. I am so happy about your new puppy. You must name her Logan. A dog is truly "man's best friend". They never leave their owner & will give unconditional love.
    I am also glad you made it safely to Utah. I
    ran last night & tonight I will do your workout. Will post results later.

  2. We did the workout tonight. We jogged about 1/3 of a mile to warm up and then did it in 3 sets of 25. We stopped between the last set of burpees and balanced on one foot and passed the basketball back and forth.Then finished... It was a blast! (can you hear the sarcasm?) ...I didn't know I could hate you even though your gone...jk.. :) I'm glad about your puppy too. That was just what you needed. Good luck on your run....Brian and I will be praying for you. :) Keep giving us workouts! We like free workouts! Hugs!! kc

  3. Hey, Ryan... so glad to hear you're in Logan and preparing for your athletic feat. You are missed, but I want you to know that Mel and I did an exercise workout on Monday and today. (I found myself saying.. Ryan would say "don't quit.. only 10 more;" or "keep it up - you can do it."

    I will do the Leg Blast workout (I'll give it my best shot) either in Chicago (heading there tomorrow) or when I get back. I'll let you know the results. We'll be praying for you. Take care and God bless, Claudia

  4. Well, I did your workout last night & in your honor,I did 100 reps. The only time I took a rest was the jumping square. You know how much I luv to jump. I felt great afterwards! On a serious note I want to wish you the best tomorrow. I'll be thinking about you on the hour every hour for 30 hrs! When y r hurting say this phrase "it's the climb". Finish strong! Tell Chris good luck also. Please blog your journey
    Fondly lancia

  5. Ryan! Guess what I had for breakfast??? BURPEES!!!! :P Thanks for putting them towards the end of the workout though. I didn't have to take your name in vain until #50. I still ask myself why I ever paid you to give me orders like that. You are a very powerful man yanno. Have all of us ladies in check 958739 miles away.
    This Sunday will be my first time ever running 6 miles. And now I'm afraid my legs will be rubbery fo'sho. oh well.

    Your new bitch is a good sign. Behind every good man, There's a good bitch ;) You should name her charm. She is your lucky charm... and I am sure she will help you charm the ladies! hehehe

    I know you will do good tomorrow I am so excited for you! You're like, on a whole new level now!!! I LOVE LOGAN, UT!!! It's one of my fave cities there... I don't know what Im more excited for, your run or for your tattoo? Both I suppose. Anyway - I miss you terribly and love ya bunches! Good Luck and Be one with Nature!

  6. OK Ryan... I'm in Chicago, but took the time after teaching the seminar today, to do the workout. Yikes! I did the 75 each with one exception (I'll be honest) I could only do 50 burpees. I'll keep working on that... and make them one of my favorites eventually (well, I may not go that far, but, I'll work on increasing them next time. :-) I sent you a separate comment about the race. Thinking of you. Miss ya too, Claudia
