Saturday, February 5, 2011

Compare and Contrast

It has been awhile since the last Post, reason being it is the dead of winter in Illinois. The weather did not hold me back from a 50K in Indiana. The race went well for being 4 degrees in the morning and by afternoon mid twenties. The trails were covered in snow I came prepared with a set of spikes, but ditched them after the first 11 mile loop. The traction was good after all the racers packed down the snow. My friend Brent joined me on the trip and did an awesome job in the one loop race. It was good to race in my home region, but coming from Mountain races it was tough to adjust to a course that essentially you could run the whole thing without sporadic hiking. I wanted to compare and contrast racing in peak fitness and racing during the holiday season.
Captured in the pics below is my best ultramarathon ever, the PCT Bunker to Bonneville. It was meant to be my last tune up race before the BEAR. I set a goal to win the race and have never dug so deep as I did in the last 5 miles of that race. It came down to a battle that I lost by 18 seconds, which in a 5 hour race is minuscule to say the least. I was in the lead from mile 12 to about mile 26 feeling confident that it was in the bag. It wasn't until the last aid station my competitor came out of no where ready to fight it out. We were bombing the last descents in a sub 6 minute mile over boulder fields and ridges. We jockeyed for position until he finally took the lead off the trail for the last mile on the road. I had him in my sights and kept seeing him look back at me gaining. I looked like the T1000 in Terminator 2 I was not going to give up. Chris Drew said my competitor crossed the finished line looking over his shoulder!
The feelings in the PCT 50k and the recent Huff 50k were totally different. I entered the PCT ready to push through pain to give it my all. In the Huff I lined up just ready to have a good time just happy to be racing again. When the pain started in the 50k I slowed the pace and looked forward to the cookies at the next aid station. I think it is important in every race to set a realistic goal and stick to it. It sets yourself up for satisfaction when you cross the finish line. I have added two new races to my calendar. As my training increases I will be ready to set some achievable goals. Until then I plan to enjoy the running knowing spring will be here soon!!!
Talking to my friend Paul before the start. I should be pacing Paul in Western States this year.
And were off!
The look of giving it your all.....

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ice Age Trail

The Ice age trail is a 1200 mile trail that follows the terminal moraine left from ancient glacial ice. It is awesome trail with rolling hills, prairie, pine forest, some steep climbs, even switchbacks! Cruising the roller coaster like hills, just being grateful that I can put in 20 miles pain free! There is two races held on this trail the Ice Age 50 and Kettle Moraine 100, don't be surprised if you see the 50miler on the race calendar come May. After running these trails I want to race, thru hike, and camp all over them!
This weekend should be awesome after thanksgiving dinner my dad, Honey B, and I are loading up the car and driving the 6 hours down to Shawnee National forest in southern Illinois for a two day backpacking trip. Expect a post about the adventure.......

Look at the Pine forest sooo cool

Nearing summit!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Best run in a long time....

10 miles no pain! and 35 total for the week! I found a sweet 5 mile loop in Dick Young Forest Preserve. You traverse through marsh, prairie, woodland, and cornfield. The best part is no crazy dog owners yelling at me for my liberal leash beliefs. It was the first time in a long time that I was able to zone out and enjoy the running awww man it felt good. I had to cancel plans for the 10 mile race in Crystal Lake because I am working now! I recently began training at Lifetime Fitness in Warrenville. I love it, they really take care of their trainers; unlike all of the other corporate gyms. They offer a great pay scale, full benefits, paid vacation, paid NASM certification, paid continuing education...... They sponsor top triathletes and races. One of the races being the Leadville 100 in Colorado the second biggest 100 mile race (hmm might have to do that one)! The atmosphere is very professional not to mention in my first week they gave me a client! I also gained a client through an assessment. She was inspired by all the great testimonials you guys wrote, you know who you are. Check out the link above it is more of a resort than a gym!
10 Miles and still wagging her stub....
Honey Bee on Halloween

Monday, October 25, 2010

Pre Race Bear Photos

Kind of a late post, but here are photos from before the Bear.
Just heard from clients Kerri and Patrice congratulations on your 1/2 marathon accomplishments! You guys are awesome and tough for battling through the elements. I am glad we can share the feeling of joy running can bring you. Keep up the good work you guys make me proud.
It has been about 3 weeks since the Bear and my running has been gradual to say the least. I can run about an hour before ITband gets tight. Not to concerned it is improving and I have been through it before and I know there is an end to this silly injury. Here is the rehab stretching, strengthening routine I have been doing every morning. ITband Rehab
As you can see there is another race on the calendar! It is in Crystal Lake IL on trail! There is a 5 mile and a 10 mile option, I don't know which one yet.... but it feels good to have on the horizon. This weekend was camping with my Dad and Brother Nick in Middlefork IL. Awesome trails with beautiful foliage. I was telling my dad that as soon as we started hiking into the wild I felt a sense of relief wash over me. It was great to spend a weekend in the woods with the man who taught me to appreciate nature.
Honey Bear and I with Bear Lake in the background

If I talked to you while in Utah, this is probably where I was. Spent a lot of time in this park taking in the scenery
What happened to your tail!!!! Where is it Honey Bear?!
View from the start of the race, a week prior.
Mr Chris Drew. Came all the way to Utah to help a friend, thanks Chris Drew
The Twine around Honey Bears neck before rescue.
Honey's view for the 24 hour car ride back to Illinois. She was a good sport I kept her happy by sharing beef jerkey. I take a bite, now you take a bite.....
View from Base Camp. Went trout fishing here, but no luck, I saw them though!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Bitter Frustration

At the pre race meeting the race director warned us that even though we trained hard and planned for EVERY possible thing that could go wrong; the ONE thing we didn't expect would go wrong. The race started with a beautiful sunrise from atop the mountain and feeling confident and well rested for the long day ahead. It was at unlucky mile 13 my right knee(ITband) started to hover at an 8 or 9 on the pain scale.I tried to remain postive stopped stretched drank water but it just wouldn't give! Sometimes these things have a way of working out over the miles. Or as another runner put it,"give it a chance to poop or get off the pot". Well it pooped. I was muscling the uphills pain free and walking the downhills in pain. By the time chris met me at mile 52(midnightish) it was 30 degrees in the valleys and I was reduced to a hobble on the downhills. It was the longest and most depressing 10 miles of my life. The most frustrating part was everything else was ready for more, my feet were holding up, all muscles were good, I was keeping up on the nutrition,but not being able run broke me.
On the other hand it feels good to be humbled.There has not been a race I have not been able to finish and to have found one is satisfying. Because now I must redeem myself.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Thank You

I wanted to say thank you to all my clients. It was extremely tough leaving you guys. I have showed you the way to a healthy lifestyle now it is up to you to continue. I hope I have made a difference in your lives. Remember I am still here to answer any questions, provide support, and new workouts.
I am here in Logan Utah hangin out in the mountains and taking trips into town. What a beautiful place. I was looking at my Rand McNally road atlas of the entire United States and on the back the editors voted their favorite scenic loop. Guess where it goes? Yep right through Logan, Utah. I would post pics, but I'm using my phone which doesn't have a camera?! Might as well be a string and a can.
It hasn't quite sunk in the amount of pain I'm about to endure in only a couple days now. I went and checked out the start of the course and straight up the mtn it goes. It starts at 5000 feet! Which is higher than anywhere I was runnin in Oregon, with mt hood as the exception. The first couple of runs I felt like a fat a$$ because I have been tapering, driving, and at sea level. Today was the last run and I felt much better besides my tight peroneal calf muscles. I figure the beauty of the foliage can pull me through the first 60 miles then I will have Chris Drew.
The best news is my first day in the mountains I was followed by a dirty puppy with a broken piece of twine around her neck. After looking around for the possible negligent owner for an hour I decided to make her my new bitch. I took her to Petsmart got her all the essentials. She was very skinny and dehydrated, but after a little love she is happy as a clam. Petsmart girls said she is about 5 months old and is a Australian Shepard mix. I think the heavens or hillbillys sent her to get rid of the sting of loneliness. She is a blessing and I believe it was meant to happen.
Either today or tomorrow I want all clients to do this workout and think of me. When you are done post on the comment of the section of this blog that you have completed it and what it was like. We will call it Leg Blast.
75 Squats
75 Lunges
75 Burpees
75 Jump Squats
Piece of cake
Not eat a piece of cake!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Endurance Eating

Today Ash n I went to Stepping Stone Cafe in downtown Portland. We saw the Cafe on Man Vs Food it is famous for its colossal food, especially the pancakes. To build up an appetite for 5lb pancakes we rode our bikes over the mountain and into Northwest Portland. There was a hungry crowd waiting outside. The cafe's slogan is, "You eat here because we let you." We felt honored to wait.
For any clients wondering, why can't I be an endurance eater? You too can be an endurance eater, but first you must ride your bike for 4 hours, run 3 miles, and lift weights for 1 1/2 hours. All in a days work.

The Competition is the guy on the top he ate 1 omelette and 3 Mancakes! It took him 2 hours and 42 minutes hmmmm that's a good marathon time. I had the Jalapeno, Onion, Green Pepper, and Cream Cheese Omelette amazing. Ash had Portabella, Feta, and Artichokes mmmmm. The Damage