Monday, June 28, 2010

Boulder Ridge Trail

Running in the silence very peaceful

Beautiful View on the descent

Clouds finally parted to expose the summit

Prehistoric Tree

Looking for energy from the sun god

Near 4000 feet, I was napping before this picture

Beautiful Wildflower amongst Beautiful Wildflowers

On Saturday, I redeemed myself and finished Wildwood Trail in its entirety, 31 miles. Ash has done it now BOTH ways! On Sunday, we drove up to Mt Hood National forest to check out some new trails. The first one we were looking for was called, McIntyre Ridge, at about 3000-4000 feet. The gate was closed on the logging road that led to the trailhead, so we ran 4 miles to the top of the mountain and a dead end! This is where the trailhead was suppose to be, but all we found was mountain lion scat, empty beer cans, shot gun shells, and no trail. So we descended back to the jeep. Boulder Ridge trail was a couple of miles down starting in a nice park along Salmon River. I'm glad we ended up running Boulder Ridge Trail as you can see it was awesome.

Another successful weekend running injury free which made me think of this quote by another Ultrarunner David Horton he said, " I feel my happiest and closest to the lord when I'm healthy cruising in the mountains". It truly is a spiritual, primal, enlightening thing to cover these miles in the mountains. I am grateful to have found something so enriching to do, and someone to do it with.

Monday, June 21, 2010

McKenzie River Trail

Sahalie Falls Giant man eating plant! The plant burped up a man's hat!

Gazing at the blue pond in child like amazement. Don't worry Mom and Gram my seat only looks dangerous it really was not I promise.

Sun beams sent down an angel

This Weekend we traversed the entire McKenzie River Trail not once but twice totaling near 60 miles! It was an amazing trip dotted with beautiful tourist attractions like waterfalls, a blue pond, ancient lava flow, and old growth forest. The main purpose was training for circumnavigating Mt Rainier in the end of August (details will be blogged another post). We wanted to make sure all our gear was up to par and what it was like to run with a heavier pack etc. We also wanted to use our SteriPEN like real Native Americans, and drink from the river since there is not drinking fountains along the trail. Dad says, "It sounds too much like a magic wand" but so far so good we are not sick. Check out the link and read about it I dunno water taste good.

This weekend we plan on running Wildwood trail again with a running group. Ash has already ran the whole thing that weekend my ankle tendon acted up, but I am yet to complete the entire trail in a day, so ought to be fun. We are looking forward to visitors coming soon (both Mommy's). The weather here has finally turned summer so get excited we can drive in the Jeep with the top down!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Catching Up

Im sorry friends and family we have been experiencing some technical problems I guess we need a new Network card or USB Ethernet converter? which I got, but it didn't have the software soo still working to fix the damn thing.... A lot has happened since the last post a successful race in Forest Park for Chris Drew, Lancia, Ashley and I, Memorial Day and Brent visiting!I am extremely proud of my two clients Lance and Chris for toughin it out and running in the mud for 31 plus miles! They are both officially Ultramarathoners! They proved they have what it takes to persevere through a demanding endurance event. Lancia battled through a knee (ITband) injury from mile 15 on, she could have easily given up half way, but instead pushed through for a strong running finish! There was a lot of confusion on the course because people were removing the directional ribbons. Chris Drew had taken a wrong turn adding numerous miles to his already 31 mile race! He too could have given up and blamed it on the jerks messing with the course, but NO he took it in stride and made it to the finish! Seeing Lance and Chris cross the finish line makes my job as a personal trainer rewarding I have seen more failure than success in the clients that have come and gone, but to see two clients that I have grown close complete an Ultramarathon is amazing thank you guys
On Memorial Day Nick Rife asked Ash and I to go to Willamette National Cemetery to take a picture of his friend who was killed in battle in Iraq. It was amazing that in the couple of minutes that we were at Zachary's Grave to take a picture his family happened to walk up. I didn't even know how to explain what we were doing there, so I handed my cell phone over to Zachary's Mom to speak with Nick on the other line. She was so happy and surprised by our ordered mission from Nick. It was a very meaningful and emotional way to spend Memorial Day. I believe it was fate that we ran into Zachary's family to show his Mother, Father, and sister that they are not the only ones grieving over his death.
Brents Visit was short and sweet we were able to burn Portland down He got to have a beer from every single bar in Portland and to see Sea Lions surfing through 30 foot waves so it was a very successful trip. I miss my friend and wish he could have stayed longer.

Ashes strong finish she was 5th overall in a competitive field