Running in the silence very peaceful
Beautiful View on the descent
Clouds finally parted to expose the summit

On Saturday, I redeemed myself and finished Wildwood Trail in its entirety, 31 miles. Ash has done it now BOTH ways! On Sunday, we drove up to Mt Hood National forest to check out some new trails. The first one we were looking for was called, McIntyre Ridge, at about 3000-4000 feet. The gate was closed on the logging road that led to the trailhead, so we ran 4 miles to the top of the mountain and a dead end! This is where the trailhead was suppose to be, but all we found was mountain lion scat, empty beer cans, shot gun shells, and no trail. So we descended back to the jeep. Boulder Ridge trail was a couple of miles down starting in a nice park along Salmon River. I'm glad we ended up running Boulder Ridge Trail as you can see it was awesome.
Another successful weekend running injury free which made me think of this quote by another Ultrarunner David Horton he said, " I feel my happiest and closest to the lord when I'm healthy cruising in the mountains". It truly is a spiritual, primal, enlightening thing to cover these miles in the mountains. I am grateful to have found something so enriching to do, and someone to do it with.
Hey you guys are so lucky to be living in such a beautiful place. i miss you both so much and I hope to see you soon.