Im sorry friends and family we have been experiencing some technical problems I guess we need a new Network card or USB Ethernet converter? which I got, but it didn't have the software soo still working to fix the damn thing.... A lot has happened since the last post a successful race in Forest Park for Chris Drew, Lancia, Ashley and I, Memorial Day and Brent visiting!
I am extremely proud of my two clients Lance and Chris for toughin it out and running in the mud for 31 plus miles! They are both officially Ultramarathoners! They proved they have what it takes to persevere through a demanding endurance event. Lancia battled through a knee (ITband) injury from mile 15 on, she could have easily given up half way, but instead pushed through for a strong running finish! There was a lot of confusion on the course because people were removing the directional ribbons. Chris Drew had taken a wrong turn adding numerous miles to his already 31 mile race! He too could have given up and blamed it on the jerks messing with the course, but NO he took it in stride and made it to the finish! Seeing Lance and Chris cross the finish line makes my job as a personal trainer rewarding I have seen more failure than success in the clients that have come and gone, but to see two clients that I have grown close complete an Ultramarathon is amazing thank you guys 

On Memorial Day Nick Rife asked Ash and I to go to Willamette National Cemetery to take a picture of his friend who was killed in battle in Iraq. It was amazing that in the couple of minutes that we were at Zachary's Grave to take a picture his family happened to walk up. I didn't even know how to explain what we were doing there, so I handed my cell phone over to Zachary's Mom to speak with Nick on the other line. She was so happy and surprised by our ordered mission from Nick. It was a very meaningful and emotional way to spend Memorial Day. I believe it was fate that we ran into Zachary's family to show his Mother, Father, and sister that they are not the only ones grieving over his death.
Brents Visit was short and sweet we were able to burn Portland down He got to have a beer from every single bar in Portland and to see Sea Lions surfing through 30 foot waves so it was a very successful trip. I miss my friend and wish he could have stayed longer.

Ashes strong finish she was 5th overall in a competitive field
DID rYAN CUT HIS HAIR OFF???? TALK MORE later have to go to work.